Our Services
Our services
Offering a comprehensive range of services
Our range of services include but are not limited to:
Bench and Pilot scale metallurgical testing
Analytical chemistry and Metallurgical Assaying
Mineralogical characterisation
Process development and desk-top research
Metallurgical consultancy and
Pilot plant design, manufacture, and supply - The engineering division of the laboratory designs, manufactures and supplies various kinds of Pilot plants with capacities ranging from 120kg per hour to 10 tons per hour. The pilot plants generally comprise, crushers, conveyors, ball mills (conventional and stirred media), flotation banks, thickeners, screens, cyclones etc.
Plant Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Project Management and Dismantling of mining and metallurgical equipment mostly in the mining industry
Our capabilities
By offering a comprehensive range of services, we serve as a convenient one-stop destination for all your requirements. The laboratory is capable of executing projects of various complexities encompassing:
- Pre-feasibility studies,
- Feasibility studies and
- Bankable feasibility studies in various aspects of metallurgical testing.
Trade references and highlights of success